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Packlife, S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter "Packlife"), with its address at Hernán Cortes, number 6831, Int. B, Colonia Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado, Zapopan, Jal. C.P. 45239; committed to the protection of your personal data, assuming responsibility for its use, handling, and confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and in order to inform you about the information related to the main characteristics of the processing to which your personal data will be subjected, issues this privacy notice.


To carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice, Packlife may use and request the following personal data:

Name(s) and surname(s).

Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC).



Home phone.

Mobile phone.

Email address.

Credit card, debit card, or bank account number.

Unique Population Registry Code (CURP).

Mexican Social Security Institute affiliation number.

Identification and official identification number.

Billing and/or fiscal information.

Bank information.

In the case of legal entities, Packlife may collect the following information that may contain personal data:

Deed of Incorporation.

Valid official identification of the Legal Representative or attorney-in-fact.

Public Instrument indicating the powers of representation of the Legal Representative or attorney-in-fact.


Proof of address.

Phone number.

Federal Taxpayer Registry.

Billing and fiscal information.

Opinion on compliance with tax or social security obligations.

Email address.

Registration number with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).


Packlife will process the personal data described in this privacy notice to fulfill the primary purposes indicated below:

Sale of goods, products, and/or services of Packlife.

Provision, hiring, change, claim, or cancellation of various services offered by Packlife.

Administrative purposes related to billing, information, accounting records, administrative or statistical information.

Processing of payments and refunds.

Monitoring of sales, orders, customers, marketing, monitoring, and confirmation regarding contracted services and/or purchased products.

Customer service, whether through our website, by telephone, by email, or through any other means.

Access to our website, including downloading forms, content, and information from it.

Notifications related to the status of product shipment and/or the provision of services, processing of returns or claims, repairs, warranty fulfillment, information requests, payments, billing, for advertising or promotional purposes, by or through Packlife.

Enforcing your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition in accordance with the Law.


The personal data we collect from you will be used for the following secondary purposes:

Promotion, advertising, marketing, commercial prospecting, and commercial strategies.

Sending commercial and advertising information, either in printed or electronic form, including email, mobile phone (SMS, MMS, phone calls, among others), or any other similar or future electronic communication medium.

Personalizing and improving customer service.

If you do not want Packlife to process your personal data for any of the purposes described in this section, you may request this by sending an email to:


Packlife does not transfer your Personal Data to third parties.


How can you access, rectify, or cancel your personal data, or object to its use? ARCO Rights.

You have the right to know what personal data we have about you, for what purposes we use it, and the conditions of its use, as well as to know the Privacy Notice to which the treatment of your data is subject (Access). Also, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information in case it is outdated, inaccurate, incomplete, or erroneous (Rectification); to have it deleted from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used properly (Cancellation); as well as to object to the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Objection). These rights are known as ARCO rights.

It is important to note that the Cancellation of personal data will give rise to a blocking period after which the data will be deleted with respect to which this right has been exercised. The Responsible Party may keep such data exclusively for the purposes of the responsibilities arising from the treatment of said personal data, whether because the personal data derive from a private, social, or administrative contract and are necessary for the development and fulfillment of it; they must be treated by legal provision; they are necessary to comply with an obligation acquired by the owner; and all other ones provided by the Law. The aforementioned blocking period will be equivalent to the term of prescription of the actions arising from the legal relationship that supports the treatment, in the terms of the applicable Law in the matter. Once the data is canceled, notice will be given to the Owner.

For the exercise of any of the ARCO rights, you must submit the respective request to the person in charge of personal data, who will process the request of the owner and encourage the protection of personal data in Packlife through the following means:


Position: General Management


Phone: 33 2353 9841

Regarding the procedure and requirements for the exercise of your ARCO rights, we inform you of the following:

a) Through what means can the owner, and where appropriate, his representative or proxy, prove their identity, as well as the personality of the latter?

Valid official identification.

b) What information and/or documentation should the request contain?

The name of the owner and address or another means to communicate the response to your request; The documents proving the identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the owner; A clear and precise description of the personal data regarding which any of the aforementioned rights are intended to be exercised, and Any other element or document that facilitates the location of personal data. Likewise, in the event that the request is made for the rectification of personal data, the owner must indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation supporting his request.

c) In how many days will we respond to your request?

You will receive a response to your request in a maximum period of twenty days, counted from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation, or objection was received.

This period may be extended once for an equal period, provided that the circumstances of the case justify it.

d) By what means will we communicate the response to your request?

By email addressed to the one you have stated in your request.

e) In what media can personal data be reproduced, if applicable, at your request?

Through simple copies or electronic documents.

f) We offer the following forms or systems to facilitate the exercise of ARCO rights:

You can request the corresponding formats directly from our personal data department. In these formats, you will find the steps to follow to exercise your rights.

g) For more information about the procedure, we make available the following means:

The contact details of the person or personal data department in charge of processing ARCO rights requests are established in the section called Responsible for the personal data department.

You can revoke your consent for the use of your personal data through the following mechanisms and procedures:

You can revoke the consent that, where appropriate, you have given us for the processing of your personal data. However, it is important to note that not in all cases will we be able to respond to your request or conclude its use immediately, as it is possible that we may need to continue processing your personal data due to some legal obligation. Likewise, you must consider that, for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will imply that we cannot continue with the legal relationship between the Owner and the Responsible Party, or the termination of your relationship with us.

To revoke your consent, you must submit your request through the person in charge of the personal data department.

Regarding the procedure and requirements for the revocation of your consent, we inform you of the following:

You must submit your request addressed to the department, responsible, and email indicated, for which the same requirements established in the previous point b) must be met, whose provisions are applicable to this one.

Options and means to limit the use or disclosure of personal data

You can limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending an email to: The requirements to prove your identity, as well as the procedure to address your request, will be governed by the same criteria mentioned in the previous section. In case your request is successful, Packlife will register you on its own exclusion list.

Use of cookies, web beacons, and other technologies

We inform you that, on its website, Packlife uses cookies and/or web beacons. Through these mechanisms, data is automatically and simultaneously collected to monitor your behavior as a user of our services.

These technologies allow us to collect information about the type of browser, operating system, visits to other websites, or identify you as a user to improve the efficiency of our technological tools, including your experience when browsing these sites or using our applications.

If you wish, you can disable or adjust the use of these technologies by following the procedures of the internet browser you use to access our websites and/or the mobile device through which you access our services.

Changes to the privacy notice

Packlife reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove parts of this privacy notice at any time. In this case, Packlife will keep its comprehensive privacy notice valid on the website

We recommend visiting this page periodically to inform yourself if any changes occur.

Packlife, S.A. de C.V.

Hernán Cortes #6831, int. B,

Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado,

Zapopan, Jal.

C.P. 45239

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